My Story
1-1 Coaching
Corporate Wellness
Student Survey
Market Research Survey
About my services
What problem does my service solve for you?
What made you choose me over others?
How do you feel my pricing compares with other similar services?
Less expensive
About the same price
More expensive
On a scale of 1 to 10, how effectively does my service address your needs?
What aspects of my service do you find most beneficial?
Is there anything you wish my service offered that it currently does not?
As I prepare future content, what topics would you like to see covered that relate to my services?
Are there any additional services or offerings you would be interested in from me? (tick as many as applicable)
Group retreat
Individual personal transformation retreat
Online group practice to with connect with a like minded community
Online content (Newsletter /Podcast /videos /Meditations)
Workplace wellness classes/workshops/talks
Tell us a little about yourself.
What is your profession?
What do you work for? (your true motivation)
What do you consider the biggest challenge(s) in your professional life?
The job itself
Managing people
Soft skills (saying no, boundaries, emotional regulation)
Work-life balance
Physical inactivity
What self-care practices do you currently engage in? (e.g. yoga/ meditation /movement / breathwork /chanting/ journaling /nature / psychotherapy /singing /art)
What are the main obstacles you face in maintaining a wellness routine? (tick as many as applicable)
Time constraints /prioritisation
Where do you typically seek wellness-related information or resources? Please provide specific links if applicable
Social media (Fb/ Instagram /Tiktok /youtube /Insight Timer /LinkedIn
Time constraints /prioritisation
Thank You!
Submit Form