Category: Uncategorized

Why you shouldn’t meditate

Dear Reader As I’ve been getting deeper into meditation over the last two years, I’ve become increasingly aware of what my mind has been doing in the background. Seeing all its somersaults, the stories it invents and the lack of evidence-based conclusions it makes is so exhausting! As the witness of my thoughts, I know that none of it is absolute truth or a good use of my energy. Bleurgh! It’s like a loud TV constantly on in the background. While you once watched it without noticing, you now…

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Home Sweet Habit

It’s important to be intentional about our environments and the people we surround ourselves with because they influence us

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From Drama to Dharma!

We all make mistakes, but if we’re willing to be honest with ourselves, do the work to recognise what drives our actions and be accountable for them, mistakes can be growth opportunities.

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Leave those group chats!

Don’t be afraid to cut what no longer serves you because it won’t happen by itself. When you let things you don’t want occupy your energy, you leave no room for what you want to come in.

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