Do you know how far you’ve come?

Sometimes I get into a rut about where I am and how far I still have to climb. Thoughts begin to spread: Am I ready for this mountain peak? Should I call it quits now?

In these moments, I pause and look back to appreciate what I’ve already accomplished even when I had doubted myself but kept going. It reminds me of what I’ve been capable of, even when I hadn’t imagined it before.

As I slowly landed back in London this week, I took a moment to reflect on what I achieved in the last eight months in India. Here are a few:

1. I broke an old cycle of being over-understanding at the expense of my well-being.
2. I led a kirtan song in public.
3. I started sharing my writing online.
4. I made deep meaningful connections.

What would be on your list from the most recent significant period?

Sometimes looking back is precisely what we need to move forward…

Stay Blissful!