Corporate Wellness Offerings

Awareness practices like yoga, meditation, pranayama and introspection, require a focused attention and observation of experience. Naturally then, they strengthen the awareness muscle. This enables us to bring awareness to other activities in our lives like work and relationships. The cultivation of self awareness leads to freedom from reaction, inner peace and therefore improved relations and genuine productivity.

Guided mindfulness meditations to train the mind for better focus, boost mood and increase self-awareness.

A hybrid class which can be done whilst sitting or standing and requires only your attention as you're guided through yoga asana (poses), pranayama (breath mastery) and meditation for an overall feeling of goodness.

Yoga, meditation and mindfulness class designed for those with busy minds, busy schedules and huge responsibilities. 

Yes, another weekly call in the diary, but one that leaves you feeling light and relaxed and without any actions to take away after. Simply showing up is enough.

Location: Online

Duration: Between 15 – 60 mins.

Frequency: Weekly /Bi-weekly /Monthly

A unique method combing breathing techniques and laughter to de-stress, improve mental health and a great opportunity to connect with your colleagues or clients while having fun. An energising and refreshing experience!

Learn how we can use conflict as opportunities for connection and develop deeper truer relationships at work through mindfulness and self reflection.

Can't pull away from the screen? Crumbs on the keyboard? This workshop explore ways to take manageable breaks with huge impacts on our wellbeing and performance.

Let's face it, even stress is stressful. This workshop breaks down an overwhelm of information into digestible and manageable chunks with practical tools for every day working life.

Practical mindfulness workshops to gain a healthy perspective and achieve  harmony and balance  for greater results.

Location: Onsite /  Retreat location

Duration: Between 60 – 120 mins.

When we spend most of our working, the quality of our relationships in the workplace can either be a source of stress or joy. The power is in our hands!

We talk about the impact of being your whole self at work and how we can do it and feel more empowered in our jobs.

We've all got one. How does the identity we've created for ourselves get in the way of performance and how can our awareness of it improve our experiences.

It doesn't take a scientist to know that compassion moves people but how can we incorporate it as leaders without compromising our business goals?

Every now and again we need a little lift to take us out of our bubble and remind us that we are more than the sum of our functions. 

Location: Online / Onsite

Duration: Between 15 – 30 mins.

Contact Jaimini

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